Communication Department


Southeastern California Conference Communication Department - Southeastern California Conference provides information, resources, and yearly training for church communication leaders. Contact Jocelyn Fay, SECC assistant to the president for communication, 951-509-2253;

Pacific Union Recorder and monthly Adventist World (free, one per family). Names and addresses are processed through local church clerks and the conference membership clerks and are part of the NetAdventist database. If you have questions, please call SECC's membership office at 951-509-2205.

Pacific Union Conference Church Support Services - A website that contains articles related to ministry in the local church. Check it out.

PlusLine - You will find a wide variety of information about Adventist ministries and organizations, including registration for major Adventist events in the North American Division. Check it out.

Society of Adventist Communicators - You might want to join this society. They offer various resources, training and publish a monthly newsletter. Check it out.

Global Internet Evangelism Network (GIEN) - This organization is sponsored by the General Conference Communication Department and hosts an annual forum about sharing Christ online. To learn when the next forums are scheduled, check it out.

Revised July 2010

(c) 2025 SECC Communications Department.