Communication Department

How to Submit an Obituary to the

Pacific Union Recorder:

Five Simple Steps


By Jocelyn Fay, Assistant to the President for Communication,

Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


This information applies only to obituaries for the Recorder and is not connected with the regular reporting of deaths on the eAdventist church membership list (church clerks take care of this). Submitting obituaries to the Recorder can be done by the deceased member’s pastor, church secretary, church clerk, or family.

The Recorder does not publish obituaries more than six months after the person has died.

Send the following information to the Southeastern California Conference communication department by mail (P.O. Box 8050, Riverside, CA 92505), fax (951-509-2391), or e-mail ( Include your name and phone or e-mail so we can get back to you if we have questions.

1. Full name (Example: Jane Marie Doe)

                Include if applicable: Maiden name of a married woman, or title, such as Jr., Sr., II

2. Date and place of birth (Examples: Jan. 3, 1920, Atlanta, Ga.; May 12, 1940, Bangalore, India)

3. Date and place of death (Example: Sept. 23, 2009, Loma Linda, Calif.)

4. Survivors—list in this order:

                Husband or wife





                For an unmarried young person, you can include names of parents and siblings

                NUMBER of grandchildren (not names)

                NUMBER of great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren (not names)

5. (Optional) Summarize the person’s career in 25 or fewer words.

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